News and Updates
Amidst the coronavirus pandemic, Cameron has been relocated to Huntsville, Alabama, but is continuing his education through the use of the multiple online class sources being provided through this time. Technology has become one of the biggest life savers of this time period, continuing to show how much it has improved this career we choose to invest ourselves into.

Equity card in hand, with nothing but a couple of suitcases and a never-ending hunger to learn, absorb art, and grow, I have officially moved to New York as of October 20! I can finally put "New York-based actor" on my resumé!

Up next: Alhambra Theatre and Dining's Brighton Beach Memoirs, where Cameron will be portraying Stanley Jerome. This performance will also mark his first contract under Actors' Equity!

Cameron has just begun rehearsals for Alhambra Theatre & Dining's production of Mamma Mia! He is blessed to be portraying the role of Sky once again, with a new cast, new venue, and new sides of the character to discover! Previews begin August 7th and the performance opens August 9th to play through September 15th!